***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** – Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently

If I told you you could get in great shape by investing less than 10 minutes daily to exercise, you’d probably think I’m selling you a product. I’m not selling a product, but I am selling you the idea that a small amount of daily exercise is all you need to get in shape. I want you to stop believing that getting in shape has to take over your life or require an hour or more of exercise each day because it doesn’t.

Minimalist Fitness Program [2023]

The scientifically designed Seven Minute Workout

FREE Tabata Timer [Google or Apple]

Continue reading “***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** – Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently”

7 Reasons Why You Should Purchase a Kettlebell instead of a Treadmill

Treadmill image by Sport-Tiedje GmbH

“The kettlebell is an ancient Russian weapon against weakness.” Pavel

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Before we go into greater detail, here are the 7 reasons I suggest you purchase a kettlebell instead of a treadmill:

  1. Kettlebells Improve both Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Condition
  2. Kettlebells are More Cost-Effective
  3. Kettlebells have a Small Footprint and are Portable
  4. Kettlebells are Simple & lend themselves to Quick Workouts
  5. Kettlebells are Quiet
  6. Kettlebells allow for a lot of Exercise Variety
  7. Kettlebell workouts are low impact

#1 Kettlebells Improve both Muscular Strength and Cardiovascular Condition

It may seem counter-intuitive, but when you are losing weight, strength training, not cardio training should be your number one exercise priority. For years we have been indoctrinated to believe that to lose weight you have to eat less and move more, but the main flaw with this approach is that even if you do it properly, you will lose muscle mass. If you don’t challenge your muscles, you will lose calorie-burning muscle mass along with the fat which will lead to a fat loss plateau. Continue reading “7 Reasons Why You Should Purchase a Kettlebell instead of a Treadmill”

The Habit: Week-3 (Morning Exercise) It’s for the Mind more than the Body!


This week’s challenge is to wake-up 30-minutes early and exercise for at least 20-minutes. Most people that resolve to wake-up early to exercise do it with the vague goal of losing some weight and getting into shape. Those are terrible goals for several reasons. First, they aren’t clearly defined. Second, they don’t contain any emotional intensity, and last, they don’t have any deadline to create a sense of urgency. I want you to wake-up early and exercise because it will prime your mind for peak performance.

This habit has more to do with the effects it will have on your mind, and much less to do with the effects it will have on your body. Most people know that exercise releases endorphin, the body’s homegrown brand of morphine, but what most people don’t realize is that it stimulates the brain. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-3 (Morning Exercise) It’s for the Mind more than the Body!”


Hey everyone,

I want to let you know that our Kindle eBook, The Fat Loss Habit is available for FREE DOWNLOAD until Monday, December 18th. Continue reading “***FREE DOWNLOAD PROMOTION – ENDING SOON!**”

Don’t Wait for the Ball to Drop – Start 2018 with Momentum!

As 2017 draws to an end, start building momentum toward your fitness goals!

New Year’s Resolutions rate of success is an abysmal 8%, with 80% of people quitting by February. The Fat Loss Habit: Creating Routines that Make Willpower and Fat Loss Automatic seeks to improve that rate.

The Fat Loss Habit adopts a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. The program uses high-impact change strategies that make the process of adopting a healthy lifestyle easier. The nutrition and workout program like the change techniques are all backed by research and scientific studies. Continue reading “Don’t Wait for the Ball to Drop – Start 2018 with Momentum!”