***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** – Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently

If I told you you could get in great shape by investing less than 10 minutes daily to exercise, you’d probably think I’m selling you a product. I’m not selling a product, but I am selling you the idea that a small amount of daily exercise is all you need to get in shape. I want you to stop believing that getting in shape has to take over your life or require an hour or more of exercise each day because it doesn’t.

Minimalist Fitness Program [2023]

The scientifically designed Seven Minute Workout

FREE Tabata Timer [Google or Apple]

Continue reading “***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** – Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently”

How to Pick a Diet & Exercise Program

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”
Bruce Lee

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I suggest you choose a diet and exercise program that is sustainable; because consistency is more important than intensity. If your program isn’t sustainable, your results won’t be either. It is common sense, but how many people have done an extreme program only to revert to their previous condition. You wouldn’t believe how many otherwise intelligent people have told me that the Adkins diet “worked” for them, but they had gained back all the weight. The problem with quick fixes is they don’t last. Continue reading “How to Pick a Diet & Exercise Program”

The Habit: Week-6 (Find Pleasure in the Process)

This week’s challenge is to find pleasure in the process. Discipline is the ability to force ourselves to do what we should do when we should do it. It is something we all struggle with and must develop, but motivation can be a more powerful driver of action. What if you could find pleasure in the tasks you must do. If you can equate pleasure with the task, you’ll be a lot more successful. “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” – Aristotle

If you don’t enjoy what you do, you aren’t really successful. Finding pleasure in the job is our responsibility. Our attitude toward what we do is a choice we make each day. We are responsible for our own happiness. We are responsible for our attitude toward our work, toward our relationships, and toward our life. If we cannot find happiness in our daily routine, we aren’t really successful. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-6 (Find Pleasure in the Process)”

DREAM BIG! Conservative Goals Don’t Inspire

We often fail to dream big because we lack self-confidence. The problem with setting small, realistic goals is that they aren’t very inspiring or motivating. To inspire means to breathe life into, and motivation is the desire to take action. You want to dream big. Big goals inspire and motivate you. Big goals are what get you jumping out of bed. Even if we don’t achieve all of our big goals, we will achieve so much more than if we set small, realistic goals. When setting goals, don’t worry about how; worry about why.

Why-power is more important than know how. When our why is big enough, we will find a way. We either find someone to model, or we’ll discover how through trial and error. It is always best to take advice from someone who has achieved our desired result and learn from them. If we duplicate their actions, we should be able to duplicate their results. Our why-power is what will get us going and keep us going until we achieve our desired result. The problem with most people isn’t that they aim too high and fail; it is that they aim to low and succeed. When self-doubt creeps in, we just need to ask ourselves, “is it possible?” If anyone else has done it, and we do what they have done, why couldn’t we duplicate their success? Continue reading “DREAM BIG! Conservative Goals Don’t Inspire”