***FREE Downloadable 2023 Minimalist Fitness Program*** – Less Can Be Better, Especially When Done Consistently

If I told you you could get in great shape by investing less than 10 minutes daily to exercise, you’d probably think I’m selling you a product. I’m not selling a product, but I am selling you the idea that a small amount of daily exercise is all you need to get in shape. I want you to stop believing that getting in shape has to take over your life or require an hour or more of exercise each day because it doesn’t.

Minimalist Fitness Program [2023]

The scientifically designed Seven Minute Workout

FREE Tabata Timer [Google or Apple]

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COVID-19 Stress Busting Home Workout

This workout is designed to put your body and brain in a good place each morning so you can cope with the stress of these uncertain times. It is not designed to put slabs of muscle on your body, but it is a great program for improving your overall General Physical Preparedness (GPP). Twenty-minutes a day doesn’t sound like much, but it is almost two and a half hours of intense exercise each week. My daily doggy dawdling adds another two-hours of low-intensity exercise. I recommend you finish your workouts with a short walk to cool down and clear your head.  Continue reading COVID-19 Stress Busting Home Workout