THE HABIT: Week-2 (Motivation)

THE HABIT focuses on how you start each day; your morning routine. Each day is your life in miniature. As you take control of your morning, you’ll take control of your life. Tiny improvements to our daily routine put our lives on a better trajectory.

Instead of waiting for January 1st to arrive, begin adopting a few small habits so that when the ball drops, you’ll already have built up some momentum. I will present a series of small habits you can adopt each week to improve your life.

Within a week, you’ll notice an improvement in your mood. In a month, you’ll start seeing improvements in your energy and focus. Eventually, you’ll have become a person that can achieve whatever it is you set your mind to do.

John Maxwell’s Power of Five provides a great example of the power of small persistent actions. He should know. He has written over seventy successful books. He asks what would happen if you had a large tree on your property and you committed to taking five swings at it each day? The answer is always the same. The tree will fall. It doesn’t matter how large the tree is.

We are often intimidated by the large trees in our life, but if we just committed ourselves to do a little each day instead, we would achieve incredible results. He says that he has done five things for decades to become the prolific writer and expert he is today. He reads, writes, thinks, asks questions, and files.

He challenges us to take small actions every day. Some people ask John what he means by every day. He says, “every day: every Sunday, every Christmas, and every other holiday.” It’s counterintuitive, but every day is easier because you never lose momentum. Constantly starting and stopping requires more energy than the everyday method.

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. – Zig Ziglar

The Week-2 challenge is to listen to something motivational during the first 20-minutes of each morning. Put on some wireless headphones and listen to something that inspires and motivates you as you begin your normal morning routine. Here is a video to get you started.

Here are a few of my favorite channels:

  • Be Inspired,
  • Success Archive,
  • Motivation2Study,
  • MotivationGrind,
  • Motivational Videos,
  • Motivation Archives, & the
  • MulliganBrothers.

I recommend you subscribe to a few channels and download a some videos to your phone .

You can influence the spirit of your day during the first few minutes after waking. During those first 20-minutes, your mind is transitioning from the low 4-7 cycles per second (Hz) your brain operates at during light sleep to the higher, 12-30 Hz that is your normal waking state of consciousness. In this state your subconscious brain is most impressionable. Learn more.

Take advantage of this opportunity to program your subconscious mind for success and refuel your motivational reserves so you can power through your day. This one habit will provide you with the daily dose of motivation you need.

This one habit has the potential to change your life. Like all good habits, the effects might not be immediately noticeable, but overtime, they’ll compound, so stick with it. Don’t fall into the trap of underestimating the benifits of small daily actions.

There are a lot of cynical people that will tell you that motivation doesn’t last, and they are correct, but nothing does. That’s why we need to make them routine. Working out once will not get you in shape. Studying once will not make you an expert.

Till next week, good luck!

Change your habits, change your life!

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Best wishes and Best Health!

Are you ready to reboot and reset your relationship with food and exercise? Most programs focus on the mechanics of weight loss, but fail to adequately address the psychology of change required. Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to take action. This book takes a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger.

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The Fat Loss Habit Flyer

Are you ready to reboot and reset your relationship with food and exercise? Most programs focus on the mechanics of weight loss but fail to adequately address the psychology of change required. Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to act. This book takes a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. 

The book contains:

  • 7 Change Strategies for Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle
  • A Flexible Diet Program that Doesn’t Put Any Foods Off-limit,  including Alcohol
  • 20-Week Workout Log with Progress Assessments (Downloadable PDF)
  • 3 Strategies for Resetting your Body Weight Setpoint to Keep the Weight Off
  • A Nutrition and Training Program Based on Science, not Bro Science.

Book Introduction

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