How to Correctly Perform Pyramid Training

Pyramiding your weights is a great way to build muscle size and strength. Working up from relatively lightweight to a heavyweight over multiple sets ensures you stimulate your muscles with the right amount of volume to stimulate growth and at the right intensity to produce strength adaptations. It’s best used on compound barbell exercises, but it can be used with machines and dumbells as well. 

Unfortunately, most programs don’t properly explain how to perform a pyramid correctly.  I used Pyramid training when I was in high school bulking for football. I gained approximately 30 pounds of muscle during those years, despite performing them incorrectly. Like most people, I over-taxed myself on the early sets, and couldn’t progress in weight as well as I could have.

Continue reading “How to Correctly Perform Pyramid Training”

Don’t just Workout Hard, Get Better (Free 8-Week Strength Training Program).

8-Week Strength Cycle Program

1RM Estimator (Blank)

8-Week Strength Cycle (weight Calculator)


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My general observation is that people in the gym either train hard all the time or never train hard enough.  For years I trained very hard with very few planned deload training periods. Recreational endurance athletes tend to be much smarter about varying the intensity of their training sessions than recreational strength athletes.

We don’t want to simply workout hard. We want to train, so we get better. Any coach or trainer can create a challenging workout, but if the training isn’t designed to improve your performance than it isn’t effective training.   Continue reading “Don’t just Workout Hard, Get Better (Free 8-Week Strength Training Program).”

A Few Articles About Getting Leaner, Fitter, & Stronger

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A few articles to get you started (PDF w Links)


Why a high protein diet is so effective at promoting fat loss.

Top 5 Priorities of Effective Fat Loss and Looking Great! Continue reading “A Few Articles About Getting Leaner, Fitter, & Stronger”

How long should you rest between sets?

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If you read the latest Muscle & Fiction magazines you’ll say 60-90 seconds is the optimal rest interval between sets. This assertion is rarely backed-up with scientific research, and when it is, they will say it increases human growth hormone levels in the body temporarily, which is true, but I haven’t found any studies that correlate it with long-term increases in muscle mass. I have no doubt that many people achieve respectable results from this protocol, especially the enhanced lifters that fill the pages of the muscle magazines, but what is optimal for the natural lifter. What does the science say? Continue reading “How long should you rest between sets?”

Our Mission – The Fat Loss Habit

No Gimmicks. No Quick Fixes. Learn to form the habits essential to developing a lean, hard, fit body. A program backed by science, not bro-science.

Our MissionOur mission is to help as many people as possible to improve the quality of their lives. I believe it begins with improving our health and appearance. I found this to be true in my own life. Our health is our most valuable resource. Exercise improves our mood and focus. It can lift us out of depression. It has even been shown to stimulate our mind. When we begin to look better, we begin to feel better. I believe a better life starts with the development of healthy habits because that is where it started for me. Growing up as an overweight kid, I lacked self-confidence. Obesity runs in my family. My paternal grandfather died of a heart attack when my father was in his teens. My father was always struggling to lose weight. He was a brilliant well-educated man, an editor at the New York Times, but he was never able to lose the weight. Continue reading “Our Mission – The Fat Loss Habit”