The Habit: Week-14 (Eliminate the Energy Vampires from Your Life)

“Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution.” Albert Einstein

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This week, our challenge is to eliminate the energy vampires from our lives. It is often said that energy is more important to your success than intelligence. None of us can afford to have energy vampires in our lives.

Energy vampires are easy to identify. They are always complaining about someone or something. They are constantly making excuses. Dale Carnegie often said, “Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn—and most fools do.” They focus on problems and not solutions. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-14 (Eliminate the Energy Vampires from Your Life)”

The Habit: Week-12 (Overcome Our Natural Tendency to be Negative)

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“Negative is normal. It is not successful, but it’s normal.” Jim Rohn

When the negative thoughts come – and they will; they come to all of us – it’s not enough to just not dwell on it. You’ve got to replace it with a positive thought.” Joel Osteen

Negative is normal. Neglect is natural. They aren’t helpful, but they are natural. People don’t rubberneck when they see a beautiful sunrise; they rubberneck to see a horrific accident. Weeds don’t require nurturing; they only need neglect to grow.

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5 Reasons To Keep A Training Log

“If you want it, measure it. If you can’t measure it, forget it.”

Peter Drucker

basic program log

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If you want to improve your performance, you MUST track it. This sounds like common sense because it is, but how many people do you see in the gym keeping a training log? Do you keep a training log? The difference between exercising and training is a training log.

 Here are the 5 Reasons You Should Keep a Training Log:

  1. It is what athlete’s do.
  2. It allows you to measure the effectiveness of your program.
  3. It will cause you to consistently train harder.
  4. Recording small wins helps to sustain motivation.
  5. It is your best tool for overcoming training plateaus.

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5 Reasons Why Body for Life is Still a Great Program

“When you gain control of your body, you will gain control of your life. No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change. Focus on progress, not perfection.”

-Bill Phillips, Author of Body for Life

Bill Phillips2

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Body for Life was written almost 20-years ago, but I still believe it is one of the best fitness and self-improvement books ever written. If you want to transform your body and your life, the book’s program will deliver.

Is the program perfect? No, but it is still better than 99% of the current programs in circulation. The most common criticism of the program is its simplicity, but I think too many people make getting in shape overly complicated. Do I agree with every aspect of the program? No. I would have to disagree with a few of the book’s assertions, based on the extensive research I conducted during the writing of my book, The Fat Loss Habit, but these are mostly minor flaws. We shouldn’t devote major time to minor things, so let’s focus on why the program is so effective.

Five Reasons why the Body for Life is still a fantastic program.

  1. The program teaches us “How to cross the abyss.”
  2. The program emphasizes strength training.
  3. The program sponsors a fitness competition that creates a sense of urgency.
  4. The program is simple and effective, with an emphasis on effort and progress.
  5. The program provides all the tools you’ll need to monitor your consistency and progress.

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Lean BY Habit

The Fat Loss Habit – Book Introduction

Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to take action. This book takes a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. The program uses high impact change strategies that make the process of adopting a healthy lifestyle easier. The nutrition and workout program like the change techniques, have all been proven effective and are all backed by research and scientific studies.
This book is full of change strategies and provides a blueprint for how they can be applied to transforming your body. These strategies can also be used to transform your relationships, build your career, and improve your life. You will learn the importance of creating a sense of urgency around your goal, tweaking your environment to foster new habits, finding bright spots, and generating short term wins to help you sustain momentum. Motivation is fleeting, that is why you will learn techniques to keep you stoked. You will learn how to apply solution based therapy’s miracle question to subdue personal struggles. You will learn how Starbucks teaches willpower to their baristas to produce a first-class customer experience. You will learn about action triggers, and how they are the key to adopting instant habits. You will learn how to use your smart phone to lose body fat, improve your workouts, and create new habits.
Continue reading The Fat Loss Habit – Book Introduction