The Quick Fix Mentality Trap

The fundamental flaw with extreme diet and exercise programs is their unsustainability. A program approach to weight loss can work, but our life does not end when we achieve our weight loss goal. When we solve problems at the systems’ level, by incorporating keystone habits, we have a permanent solution. Continue reading The Quick Fix Mentality Trap


“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” Aristotle

All day long we transition from one activity to another. We wake up. We follow a morning routine. We commute to work. We arrive at work. We begin working on a project. We stop working to attend a meeting. You get the idea.

We transition dozens of times each day, but how often do we pause between activities to mentally prepare ourselves for the next task. Learning to master these transitions is a powerful strategy for high performance. Continue reading “BRING THE JOY!”

How to Pick a Diet & Exercise Program

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.”
Bruce Lee

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I suggest you choose a diet and exercise program that is sustainable; because consistency is more important than intensity. If your program isn’t sustainable, your results won’t be either. It is common sense, but how many people have done an extreme program only to revert to their previous condition. You wouldn’t believe how many otherwise intelligent people have told me that the Adkins diet “worked” for them, but they had gained back all the weight. The problem with quick fixes is they don’t last. Continue reading “How to Pick a Diet & Exercise Program”

Stop Constantly Checking Email!

Win your morning, and you win your day. We have all experienced days where we felt like we did a lot, only to realize we didn’t accomplish anything meaningful. You’ll discover that you spent the day reacting to others instead of sticking to your plan. I recommend you use your smartphone to check your schedule for the day and ensure there are no legitimate emergencies in your inbox, then ignore it. Don’t even open your email browser.
Spend the best hours of your workday on your most impactful task. Devote yourself to something that will produce results. Checking email is addictive, but you must overcome the temptation to continually respond to everyone else’s demands and work on meaningful projects. That is how you become productive. If you want to be more productive than 90% of your colleagues, stop checking emails and start producing.
Learn more, Eliminate Distractions to Reclaim your Focus & Productivity Continue reading Stop Constantly Checking Email!

Stop Chasing Success!

Chasing success is futile. Success is something we attract. Success is looking for a good place to stay. If you want to attract people to your organization that are smart, energetic, and have a great attitude, you must first display those things yourself. “We don’t attract who we want, we attract who we are.” John C. Maxwell
An A player doesn’t want to work for a B or a C player. That isn’t how life works. Eagles don’t fly with ducks. A players are attracted to other A players. We unconsciously model the behavior of the people we spend the most time with, so successful people tend to have successful friends and colleagues. Success is something we attract by the person we become. Instead of chasing success, we should focus on becoming someone that attracts success. “Personal development – the never-ending chance to improve not only yourself, but also to attract opportunities and affect others.” Jim Rohn Continue reading Stop Chasing Success!