Lean BY Habit

The Fat Loss Habit – Book Introduction

Most people know more than enough about nutrition and exercise to lose weight, but fail to take action. This book takes a new approach to getting leaner, fitter, and stronger. The program uses high impact change strategies that make the process of adopting a healthy lifestyle easier. The nutrition and workout program like the change techniques, have all been proven effective and are all backed by research and scientific studies.
This book is full of change strategies and provides a blueprint for how they can be applied to transforming your body. These strategies can also be used to transform your relationships, build your career, and improve your life. You will learn the importance of creating a sense of urgency around your goal, tweaking your environment to foster new habits, finding bright spots, and generating short term wins to help you sustain momentum. Motivation is fleeting, that is why you will learn techniques to keep you stoked. You will learn how to apply solution based therapy’s miracle question to subdue personal struggles. You will learn how Starbucks teaches willpower to their baristas to produce a first-class customer experience. You will learn about action triggers, and how they are the key to adopting instant habits. You will learn how to use your smart phone to lose body fat, improve your workouts, and create new habits.
Continue reading The Fat Loss Habit – Book Introduction


“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt

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If you want to start exercising here is a simple, workout you can do that doesn’t require any equipment. These workouts should take no more than 20 minutes to complete, but if you do them consistently, you will get results.

            I believe that everyone should do a combination of strength training and cardio training. Both improve our physical and mental performance. I have written about the surprising effects that regular exercise has on our mood, focus, and mental performance so I won’t go into detail here, but if you aren’t aware of the many benefits, check out The Habit: Week-3 (Morning Exercise) It’s for the Mind more than the Body! Continue reading “THE NO EQUIPMENT, NO EXCUSES WORKOUT”

Focus on your WHY – It is so much more important than your WHAT & HOW

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Before we do anything, we should first ask ourselves WHY we are doing it. Our why effects everything. It affects our effort, our attitude, and our determination. If you have a bad attitude about work, chances are you don’t have a good reason; a good WHY for what you do.

The story of Three Bricklayers building a church demonstrates the importance of finding meaning in what you do. All three men were doing the same work, but when they were asked what they were doing, the first bricklayer replied, “I’m laying bricks.” The second bricklayer said, “I am feeding my family.” The third bricklayer said, “I’m building the house of God.” Which one do you think took the most pride in his work? Too many managers only think of monetary rewards to motivate people when they could motivate their employees by teaching them to find meaning in what they do. When people see how their work is making a difference to the company or to their community, it will motivate them to take more pride in what they do. Unless you are financially independent, you work to earn a salary, but I hope that isn’t the only reason you do what you do. Continue reading “Focus on your WHY – It is so much more important than your WHAT & HOW”

Prime Yourself Each Morning with Exercise

Beginning each day with exercise is a fantastic way to begin our day. How we begin each day sets a tone for the rest of our day. When we begin each day with exercise, we are stimulating our mind and body for peak performance. Morning exercise stimulates the production of Brain-derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF). BDNF is often called “Miracle-Gro for the brain” because it stimulates the formation of new neurons.  How you begin each day determines how you will live each day.

Prime yourself with daily exercise. Start your day with the one activity that will improve your mood, focus, and vitality. Regardless of our fitness goals, beginning your day with exercise is a must, if we want to live a world-class life.  Daily exercise benefits the brain more than the body. The purpose of developing this habit is to:

  1. Prime your mind and body for a great day
  2. Stimulate the release of BDNF, “Miracle-Gro for the brain.”
  3. Improve your mood and focus
  4. Increase energy and vitality
  5. Improved impulse control and willpower
  6. Improved weight management and fitness
  7. Provide you with a sense of accomplishment before you start your workday


A short 10 to 20-minute workout is sufficient. Do whatever activity you enjoy. Don’t let good be the enemy of great. Continue reading “Prime Yourself Each Morning with Exercise”


This is the time of year where the word resolution is misused by millions of people. We will examine the formal definition. Next, we will look at how it is commonly applied to New Year’s Resolutions. Last, we will examine what it means to go after a goal with true resolve and how you can make this year different than any other year.

I am not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions because I don’t think most people actually make resolutions. They make a list of things they would like to happen. They will usually attach a list of actions they should do to achieve it. Should is a word for the underachiever. It implies that your values aren’t in line with your actions. No one does what they should. They do what they must. They do what is in line with their true values.

That brings us to the formal definition of resolution; a firm decision to do or not to do something. The critical word in this definition is the word decision. Tony Robbins provides the best definition of the word decision.

Continue reading “Make ONE REAL RESOLUTION this Year”