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The next biggest lie about living a disciplined lifestyle is that it requires a marathon of effort. It doesn’t. It only requires you manifest enough discipline and motivation to make the routine a habit. The initial resistance we encounter doesn’t last beyond a couple of months. The authors of The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Truth Behind Extraordinary Results say success is not a marathon of disciplined action. It is a sprint fueled by just enough discipline to build a habit.  Habits are harder to start than they are to sustain. The key is to identify the behavior you need to adopt and then work at it long enough to make it a habit.


When you are Committed, you don’t need a lot of WILLPOWER

If you are committed, you will shape your environment, so you don’t need a lot of willpower. As the day progresses, our willpower diminishes and leaves us vulnerable to temptation. It is a lot easier to shape our environment then to try and exert control over it.
If you blew your diet last night eating junk food, I would argue that your problem isn’t a lack of willpower, it is a lack of commitment. Why was that junk food in your house in the first place? It isn’t good for you, and it isn’t good for anyone else under your roof. You don’t want to deprive your children? Of what? A lifetime of sugar addiction? A lifetime of struggling to control their weight and eating. Anytime you decide to change, you can. But it requires commitment. Shape your environment to foster good habits and remove the temptations that cause you to fall into bad habits. Continue reading When you are Committed, you don’t need a lot of WILLPOWER

Midnight munchies

The Habit: Week-16 (Learn the Skill of Willpower)

“Willpower isn’t just a skill. It’s a muscle, like the muscles in your arms or legs, and it gets tired as it works harder, so there’s less power left over for other things.” Charles Duhigg author of the Bestseller, The Power of Habit

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This week’s challenge is to develop willpower. Willpower is absolutely necessary to our success. It is the one skill that allows us to develop every other skill. We all struggle with willpower, but if we are serious about growing and getting better, it needs to be a daily priority. The great news is that we can all develop it. If you don’t believe you have willpower, we will need to address that self-limiting belief because it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” Henry Ford

First, we will dispel the notion that willpower is a character trait and not a learnable skill. Next, we will learn some strategies to cultivate willpower. Last, we will learn how to reduce our need for willpower by controlling our environment. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-16 (Learn the Skill of Willpower)”