Popularity isn’t a Measure of a Diet’s Effectiveness

A lot of popular things aren’t effective. Almost any of the popular diets will work, but most are unsustainable.  The results produced by extreme exercise and diet programs aren’t any more sustainable than the programs themselves. Quickly done, quickly undone. When I argue that the results produced by a low card diet aren’t sustainable, people will defend it as if I was attacking a member of their family. A low-carb diet certainly wouldn’t be my choice, but if you can sustain it as a lifestyle, then go for it.

Why are extreme, overly restrictive diets and motivation so popular if they aren’t practical solutions? Popularity is no indication of effectiveness. Look at the popularity of the reality TV program, The Biggest Loser. Forcing 400-pound people to work out four hours a day on a low-calorie diet makes for good TV, but the results are abysmal. Virtually all the contestants fail to keep the weight off. Approximately 14 out of 15 contestants gain back all the weight eight months after the program ends.[i] Continue reading Popularity isn’t a Measure of a Diet’s Effectiveness

The Ketogenic Diet – The Flavor of the Month

Constantly looking for the miracle diet that will finally produce the results you want is just another form of procrastination. Fortunately, the weight loss industry is more than happy to provide you with an endless supply of options.

The current flavor of the month is the Ketogenic Diet.

Is the Ketogenic Diet terrible? No, not in the short term. Would I recommend it? NO. The reasons I wouldn’t recommend it are:

1)  Ketogenic and other low carb diets aren’t more effective at promoting fat loss.

2)  Low carb diets aren’t sustainable.

3)  Low carb diets lower your metabolism and make it easier to overeat.

4)  Low carb diets decrease your satiety, which makes it harder to stick with long term. Continue reading “The Ketogenic Diet – The Flavor of the Month”