Environmental Design is a Great Substitute for Willpower

Willpower is not an effective long-term strategy for behavior change because it is inconstant. When we are stressed-out, tired, and hungry our willpower will leave us vulnerable to any temptations we encounter. Fortunately for us the more committed we are, the less willpower we will need. Shaping your environment will shield you from temptation.  By removing the temptations that reward bad habits, we can extinguish them without exerting our willpower. It doesn’t require willpower to shape our environment. It requires commitment. Continue reading Environmental Design is a Great Substitute for Willpower

The 5 Second Rule – Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination

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Have you ever asked yourself why you don’t do the things you know you should?  Why you procrastinate starting your most important tasks. Why you put off the things you know in your gut will make a real difference in your life?  Mel Robbins, Author of The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage has an explanation for this behavior and provides a simple trick for overcoming it. Continue reading “The 5 Second Rule – Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination”