Dream BIG, but set realistic goals.

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized.”

Daniel Burnham, American architect, and urban planner.

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We should all Dream Big. Big dreams not only inspire us but attract others. Few dreams are realized through individual effort. Big dreams will help you build a team of like-minded dreamers. We should always begin with a strong WHY and a BIG DREAM. They will be our rod and staff, sustaining us through our journey. Continue reading “Dream BIG, but set realistic goals.”

No One Knows Enough to Be a Pessimist

“No one knows enough to be a pessimist.” Dr. Wayne Dyer
Experts often pronounce something to be impossible only to be proven wrong by someone who believed it was possible. The best example of this is the 4-minute mile. The reason we remember Roger Bannister isn’t because he broke the 4-minute mile, but because he was able to believe he could do it when everyone else thought it was impossible. Continue reading No One Knows Enough to Be a Pessimist

The LAW of ATTRACTION Works, BUT You Can’t Visualize a Goal, Then Go Make a Sandwich.



The power of attraction, having a vision and staying connected with it daily, is misunderstood by many people. Its power lies in an area of our brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). Our RAS determines what we notice and what we ignore in our environment. If we didn’t ignore most of what we see, hear, and feel in our environment, we would experience sensory overload.

When we set a goal, and we have strong emotional intent, we trigger the RAS. Our brain becomes incredibly acute at noticing anything in our surroundings that could help us move forward. When we stay connected to our vision, daily, we keep ourselves on course. We don’t get caught up in the momentum of other people’s demands on us. Every day we look for ways to take another step, no matter how small, towards our goal. Continue reading “The LAW of ATTRACTION Works, BUT You Can’t Visualize a Goal, Then Go Make a Sandwich.”


We all need motivation and discipline in our lives because we are creatures of both emotion and logic. The more disciplined we behave, the more rationally we behave. If we were all completely logic driven creatures, everyone would be disciplined in all areas of life. We know that isn’t the case. Even the most successful people have areas of their life where they lack discipline. They are successful in the areas where they cultivated discipline, and failures in the areas they became slaves to their emotions.

We are both logical and emotional, but our actions are fueled more by our emotions. That is why we need to keep our emotional tanks full of daily doses of motivation. If our emotional tank is empty, it doesn’t matter how logical our goal is. If you have big dreams, but you aren’t obsessed with their achievement. If your necessity level isn’t sufficient, you’ll fail to do what is required. Continue reading “WHY WE CANNOT RELY ON DISCIPLINE OR MOTIVATION ALONE”