Jump Starting Your Weight Loss Journey, Made Simple

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If you have twenty or more pounds of body fat, you want to lose, beginning your weight loss journey is very easy to do. You don’t even have to change what you eat. You only have to control your portion sizes.

I am not suggesting that you will never have to re-examine your food choices after you have lost the first five or ten pounds but to begin the process of losing weight, all you have to do is cut down on the quantity of food you eat.

Whatever you are eating now, all you have to do is cut your serving sizes by approximately 20%. As a rule of thumb, a portion of protein is the size of your palm, a portion of carbohydrates is what you can fit in your cupped hand, and a portion of fat is the size of your thumb. Vegetables are technically carbohydrates, but they have such a low caloric density and are rich in nutrients and fiber so you can eat as much as you want, just don’t smother them in butter or sauces. Continue reading “Jump Starting Your Weight Loss Journey, Made Simple”