The Habit: Week-11 (Develop a Few Guiding Mantras)

Don’t follow, lead.
Don’t copy, create.
Don’t start, finish.
Don’t sit still, move.
Don’t fit in, stand out.
Don’t sit quietly, speak up.
Seth Godin

This week’s challenge is to jot down a few powerful mantras and read them each morning. When I say, “mantra,” I am referring to a statement or slogan repeated frequently to help us make better decisions.

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. Zig Ziglar

Mantras can help us to navigate our lives; like navigational beacons that help keep us on course. They help to guide our everyday actions like written goals do, so we don’t get lost in the world wind of daily distractions. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-11 (Develop a Few Guiding Mantras)”

The Habit: Week-9 (Identify ONE Bad Habit, Interrupt and Replace It)

 “First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits, or they’ll eventually conquer you.” – Rob Gilbert

This week’s challenge is to identify ONE bad habit and replace it. Everyone has bad habits because we are both emotional and logical beings. Bad habits exist because we rationalize the behavior with fallacious logic. For example, a person that is drowning in debt will rationalize another purchase they cannot afford with the old standby, “what the hell, I’ll never get out of debt anyway.”

Somehow this logic makes sense to us, but could you imagine Spock from Star Trek saying that, or even budgeting expert Dave Ramsey saying it? Of course not. That is the erroneous logic that created this person’s crisis in the first place. Most crises are an accumulation of bad decisions. Rarely is it one gigantic error in judgment. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-9 (Identify ONE Bad Habit, Interrupt and Replace It)”

Achievement without Fulfillment is Failure

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William James described success as a combination of two things.

1) An inner ideal which is followed persistently with courage and

2) an Outer achievement related to that ideal.

Society tends to fixate on the accomplishment of the outer achievement related to that ideal, and not the inner ideal that was followed with courage and determination. William James thought that of the two components that the first was much more important than the second. The pursuit of an inner ideal leads to personal growth and development which is its own form of happiness.

 According to William James focusing on the outer achievement related to the ideal is a mistake. Long-term happiness flows from our daily habits and routine. Personal growth provides the most lasting happiness in our lives. When we feel like we are getting better at anything, we feel good about ourselves. Continue reading “Achievement without Fulfillment is Failure”

Attitude & The story of Three Bricklayers

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Our attitude affects everything. It affects when we get up each morning, our work ethic, our dedication, our energy levels, our smile, our handshake, and our results. It is easy to say have a good attitude, but how do you improve your attitude both for yourself and the people you lead.

The first step to improving your attitude is to become more grateful for what you already have. See my blog post. THE HABIT: Week-1 (Gratitude). Continue reading “Attitude & The story of Three Bricklayers”

The Habit: Week-5 (Attitude is a Choice)

This week’s challenge is to identify one self-defeating attitude you have and fix it with a list designed to refocus your thoughts. It sounds to simple to possibly work, but it isn’t. By the end of this article, you will know why it works and more importantly how it works.

We all have an area of our life where we need to improve our attitude. We know that our attitude is affecting our decisions. Our lives are created by our decisions. It is often said that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it. Bad things happen to everyone, but what makes the difference is what we decide it means and what we decide to do about it. We can not ignore problems, but the best way to solve them is to focus on solutions; not the problem itself. Continue reading “The Habit: Week-5 (Attitude is a Choice)”